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Unlock Seamless Travel in Japan: Welcome Suica Card Now Available!

March 21, 2024

Unlock Seamless Travel in Japan: Welcome Suica Card Now Available!

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the Welcome Suica Card as a new offering on our website.

This card is indispensable for stress-free travel throughout Japan. Not only does it include a one-day unlimited travel pass for JR lines within Tokyo's 23 wards (valid on the activation date), but it also grants seamless access to transportation and shopping, thereby simplifying your journey.

With this card, there is no longer a need to purchase tickets each time you ride JR trains, subways, or buses; simply touch the card to automatically pay your fare.

Let us enhance your stay in Japan with the convenience of the Welcome Suica Card!

To find out more or make a purchase, please visit this page.