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Links for Multilingual News & Disaster Preparedness Information

January 01, 2024

Links for Multilingual News & Disaster Preparedness Information

In response to the powerful earthquakes and unceasing tsunami warnings, in the central region on January 1, 2024, a news and disaster preparedness information page in multiple languages is available below.

Links for Multilingual News & Bosai (Disaster Preparedness) Information
(Provided by NHK World)

On the page above, the latest news and disaster information are available in the following 21 languages, allowing you to stay updated on the current situation at all times.


We have also gathered information provided by Japan Railway, which will help you find the latest status of Shinkansen and other limited express trains. 

Latest train Operation status can be searched from these links:

JR Central (Tokaido Shinkansen: Tokyo - Kyoto - Shin-Osaka)

JR West (Sanyo Shinkansen: Shin-Osaka - Okayama - Hiroshima - Hakata)

JR East
(Tohoku Shinkansen: Tokyo - Sendai - Akita - Shin-Aomori - Shin-Hakodate Hokuto)
(Hokuriku Shinkansen: Tokyo - Karuizawa - Nagano - Toyama - Kanazawa)

Telephone-based Service is also available:

JR Central
+81-50-3772-3910 (or 050-3772-3910 from Japan)

Please press "3" while the guidance (in Japanese) is in operation. The operator will answer in Japanese, but an English speaking operator is standing by, so please talk to the operator in English and ask for the English translation. 

JR East 
+81-50-2016-1603 (English, Chinese and Korean) (or 050-2016-1603 from Japan)