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Captivating Koinobori: Exploring Japan's May Festivities

May 03, 2024

Captivating Koinobori: Exploring Japan's May Festivities

May is one of the most refreshing and delightful seasons for tourists visiting Japan.

As we step into early May, you may have noticed a charming sight across Japan - colorful carp streamers fluttering in the breeze, adorning the yards of homes and public spaces.

These are none other than the iconic "koinobori" - carp streamers - renowned as a symbol of Japan. For those visiting Japan for the first time, the vibrant display of these streamers is a must-see spectacle. Koinobori, a traditional decoration, is prominently displayed across Japan on May 5th, known as Children's Day.

This custom, rooted in ancient Chinese legend, tells the tale of brave carp swimming upstream, overcoming waterfalls to transform into dragons. Symbolizing the wish for children's growth and family prosperity, this legend traveled to Japan, where it became ingrained in tradition.

Koinobori represents not only Japan's traditions but also the bond of family. It offers a splendid opportunity to experience Japan's rich history and profound culture through its beautiful symbolism. So, if you find yourself in Japan in May, don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in this enchanting sight of koinobori dancing gracefully in the spring breeze.