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Traveling to/from Kyoto: Shinkansen time table to/from Kyoto

July 20, 2017

Traveling to/from Kyoto: Shinkansen time table to/from Kyoto

There are several Nozomi shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto every hour between 6 am to 9pm.

Here is a time table of Nozomi Shinkansen heading to Kyoto from Tokyo station.

Nozomi Shinkansen Time Table at Tokyo station (as of Aug. 2017)

 Hour Departure time Departure time
Weekday Weekend & Holiday
6 00 16 30 43 50 00 16 30 50
7 00 10 20 30 40 50 00 10 30 40 50
8 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 30 50
9 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 30 50
10 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 30 50
11 00 10 30 50 00 10 30 50
12 00 10 30 50 00 10 30 50
13 00 10 30 50 00 10 30 50
14 00 10 30 50 00 10 30 50
15 00 10 30 50 00 10 30 50
16 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 20 30 50
17 00 10 20 30  00 10 20 30 50
18 00 10 20 30 40 50 00 10 20 30 50
19 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 20 30 50
20 00 10 20 30 50 00 10 20 30 50
21 00 10 23 00 10 23

These are fixed departure time only.
There are more departures depending on date.


Here is a time table of Nozomi Shinkansen heading to Tokyo from Kyoto station.

Nozomi Shinkansen Time Table at Kyoto station (as of Aug. 2017)

 Hour Departure time Departure time
Weekday Weekend & Holiday
6 14 17 30 38 48 57 14 17 30 38 48 57
7 02 05 12 18 26 35 39 45 55 05 18 26 45 55
8 02 05 12 18 26 35 45 55 05 18 26 35 45 55
9 02 05 12 18 26 45 55
05 18 26 35 45 55
10 12 18 26 35 55
05 18 26 35 45 55
11 05 18 35 55 05 12 18 26 35 45 55
12 18 35 55 05 12 18 35 55
13 18 35 55
05 12 18 26 35 45 55
14 05 18 35 45 55
05 12 18 35 55
15 05 18 26 35 55
05 12 18 26 35 55
16 05 18 26 35 55
05 12 18 26 35 45 55
17 05 18 26 35 45 55
05 12 18 26 35 45 55
18 05 18 26 35 45 55
12 18 26 35 45 55
19 05 18 26 35 45 55
12 18 35 45 55
20 05 18 35 56
05 12 18 35 56
21 18 37 11 18 25 37

These are fixed departure time only.
There are more departures depending on date.


The 1st Nozomi train from Tokyo to Kyoto departs at 6:00 am at Tokyo station.

The last Nozomi train from Kyoto to Tokyo departs at 9:37 pm at Kyoto station.


At our site, we can arrange Nozomi trains with departure time not described above. 


Nozomi ticket from/to Kyoto:
From Tokyo to Kyoto

Nozomi ticket from/to Kyoto:
From Kyoto to Tokyo