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Kenminwari - Local Travel Discount Program Now Available

October 21, 2021

Kenminwari - Local Travel Discount Program Now Available

"Kenminwari" - Alternative travel discount program of Go To Travel campaign

Intending to revitalize the local economy, a travel discount program called Kenminwari, which means "discount for citizens of a prefecture," is now available in more than 30 prefectures.

Each Kenminwari is only applicable for the people who live in the prefecture that offers the program, and the periods and schedules vary by each prefecture.
Most of the Kenminwari can be used for discounts on hotel and restaurant reservations or package tours.

It may be hard to find information in English. Still, we recommend you to visit the tourist information page of the prefecture you live in, so that you may be able to find some beneficial information.

As for the resuming of Go To Travel campaign nationwide, which had been suspended since December 2020, the Japanese government has not officially announced it as of October 2021.